The Search for Count Dante, Headed Towards Completion, Nov. 10, 2021

I got approached by a production compamny in March of this year, after a decade and a half of struggle. After going to Federal Court with some knuckleheads in Boston who wanted to stop the project. The project would not go away, this story is going to be told. The tale is as much the […]
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The Search for Count Dante Trailer, Aug_2014 from Floyd Webb on Vimeo.
The Search for Count Dante Trailer, Aug_2014 from Floyd Webb on Vimeo.
The Search for Count Dante Trailer, Aug_2014 from Floyd Webb on Vimeo.
Deadly Blog
This is a test for a deadly blog entry
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Happy New Year! Yesterday, Dec 31, I got a message from the great beyond. It was an omen telling me to keep going. The road has been long and I am on a few 10s of thousands away from completing the film. LOL This is from Daily Variety, Sept 6, 7, 10 11 and 12, […]
Happy New Year! Yesterday, Dec 31, I got a message from the great beyond. It was an omen telling me to keep going. The road has been long and I am on a few 10s of thousands away from completing the film. LOL This is from Daily Variety, Sept 6, 7, 10 11 and 12, […]

Happy New Year! Yesterday, Dec 31, I got a message from the great beyond. It was an omen telling me to keep going. The road has been long and I am on a few 10s of thousands away from completing the film. LOL This is from Daily Variety, Sept 6, 7, 10 11 and 12, […]
RIP Jim Kelly: The Interview I never got.

Jim Kelly as Williams in Enter The Dragon, with Kein Shih as Mr Han. “Man, you come straight out of a comic book!” That is Jim Kelly’s famous line from the Bruce Lee film, Enter The Dragon I sought him out in the course of making my documentary film,The Search for Count Dante. It […]
RIP Jim Kelly: The Interview I never got.
Jim Kelly as Williams in Enter The Dragon, with Kein Shih as Mr Han. “Man, you come straight out of a comic book!” That is Jim Kelly’s famous line from the Bruce Lee film, Enter The Dragon I sought him out in the course of making my documentary film,The Search for Count Dante. It […]